Gazi University Cooperation Protocols Preparation Procedures and Principles
1-Purpose and Scope
The purpose of these Procedures and Principles is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the cooperation protocols to be concluded by our University with domestic / foreign higher education institutions and other institutions / organizations in academic, scientific and educational matters.
These Procedures and Principles have been prepared on the basis of Article 4, paragraph 1, clause (c) of the Higher Education Law dated 4/11/1981 and numbered 2547, titled the purpose of higher education.
(1) Definitions in these Procedures and Principles are as follows;
a) Commission: Under the chairmanship of the President of the Education Commission, the Protocol Commission, of which the Legal Advisor is a permanent member and consisting of at least one lecturer from the fields of health, education, science-engineering and sports, where the draft protocols prepared by the University units or other institutions and organizations are evaluated in terms of form and content,
b) Protocol Unit: A unit responsible for carrying out procedures related to the protocols,
c) Rector: Gazi University Rector,
ç) Senate: Gazi University Senate,
d) University: Gazi University,
e) Foreign Higher Education Institutions: Universities, academies, colleges, high technology institutes and similar higher education institutions established abroad through bilateral or multilateral international agreements and / or providing education and training subject to the higher education legislation of their country and recognized by the Higher Education Council,
f) Domestic Higher Education Institutions: Universities and high technology institutes and foundation vocational schools that provide education and training subject to the Higher Education Law numbered 2547,
g) Executive Board: Gazi University Executive Board.
4- Evaluation of Protocols
(1) National legislation and Turkey comply with all that in a way that will not contain any elements contrary to international conventions and prepared in accordance with the draft contained in Annex 1 draft protocol text, together with a proposal writing stating the grounds of the protocol make the Commission sent to the Protocol Unit to be on the agenda .
(2) Protocol proposal letter is arranged to include the following issues;
a) The detailed justification of the field to be cooperated with the relevant University is explained.
b) In framework protocols covering several subjects such as academic, scientific, educational, technological, managerial, and education, the planned activities are explained together with their expected outputs.
c) It is concretely demonstrated that the academic, financial, technical and physical resources of the University are sufficient in order to realize the commitment made to the party to which the protocol will be signed.
ç) In the protocols that impose financial responsibility on the university, it is revealed that the benefit to be obtained is worth the expenditure.
d) It is stated in what aspects the protocols based on student and faculty exchange are different from the current student exchange programs.
(3) The protocol draft is evaluated by the Commission in terms of form and content and in the light of the points specified in the protocol proposal letter. The evaluation result is reported with justifications.
(4) If the Commission does not find it appropriate to sign the protocol as a result of its evaluation, it returns the protocol draft with a reasoned report to the drafting unit.
(5) If, as a result of the commission's evaluation, the conclusion of the protocol is deemed appropriate, it sends the draft protocol to the Legal Consultancy Office to give an opinion of compliance with the law.
(6) Protocol drafts with academic content, which are approved by the Commission and approved by the Legal Consultancy Office, are sent to the Senate, and protocol drafts with administrative content are sent to the University Executive Board with a reasoned report.
(7) The academic and educational cooperation protocols approved by the Senate or the Board of Directors are signed by the manager with the title of equal / equivalent to the top manager of the institution to be signed.
(8) The evaluation of protocols / agreements with purely commercial content will be made by the General Secretariat of the University and such agreements are signed by the General Secretariat.
(9) The follow-up of the execution of the signed protocols in line with the intended targets is carried out by means of interim reports to be sent to the Commission by the unit responsible for carrying out the protocol at the end of every six months. These reports are submitted to the Senate or the Board of Directors, depending on the subject. Interim and final goals achieved are shown in the Activity Report of the unit responsible for carrying out the protocol.
These Procedures and Principles are executed by the Rector of Gazi University.
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